The Basic Guide

From World War Combat Guide


1. Introduction

2. Starting to Play

3. The Menu Tabs

4. About this Guide

1 	Introduction:  Welcome to World War Combat!
1.1 	What's this all about?

Okay, so you've just created an account an you're wondering what to do! Well don't worry because everything you need to know is right here. Don't worry if things may seem a little confusing to start, you'll get the hang of the game soon. The goal in WWC is to help your team take over as many capitals (China, USA, Germany, and Nigeria) and countries as possible by building your army and beating the other teams.

1.2 	A few rules

1. Do not create multiple accounts. The system will automatically ban you from the game.

2. If you discover a bug, report it to Do not exploit the bug, doing so could result in a penalty.

3. Do not make personal threats against another player on the team or global chat boards or via personal message. Doing so may result in a ban from the game.

1.3 	How to win!
1.3.1 	Eliminating another team:  Taking their capital

The militia of the other team's capital and the country itself must be controlled by an opposing team.

If a team has control of the capital, but does not control the militia, they should not be eliminated.

Opposing team's troop percentage must be at or below 15%.

The majority of players on the opposing team surrenders.

The mod or admin online at the time has the final say on the elimination of a team.

1.3.2 	Winning the game:  Victory conditions for the final battle

The militias of the capitals and the countries themselves must be controlled by one team.

No opposing players in the top ten places on the scoreboard.

Opposing team troop percentage at or below 15%.

The mod or admin online at the time has the final say on the reset of the game.

1.4 	The terminology

WWC: World War Combat

AS: Artillery Soldiers

Bust: Invade a country when it is empty

Kick: Remove an enemy player from a country by attacking his or her army

Zeroed: Troops are at 0 from air-raids or navy

Assim: The military of a country is fully controlled

CTT: Civilian Think Tanks

CJM: Civilian Jet Maintenance

ITCs: Infantry Training Centers

Tank: Armored Vehicle Station

Mercs: Mercenaries

Airsafe:Zero jet loss when raiding a country (no AS)

AAs: Anti-aircraft guns

Bunks: Bunkers

1.5 	Some basics

WWC is a turn-based game of conquering the world.

You will receive one turn every cycle which you can spend in a variety of places.

Each cycle lasts three minutes, so plan carefully!

Turns can be spent on buildings, defenses, movement, or attacks.

On every WWC page you can see the number of turns you have, the current cycle of the game, the cash you have in and out of the bank, how many troops you have, your combat type, and your casino credits. There is also a mini-map with your location and a countdown timer to the next cycle. Your name, rank, and team are also displayed. The main menu, which is also available on every page will be discussed in section 3.

1.6 	Important items to understand
  • Some of these will be explained in more detail in later sections, don't worry.

Troops: Your army. Produced by ITCs. Can attack other armies and be used to take countries.

Artillery Soldiers: Act like anti-aircraft guns by destroying attacking jets. Are also needed for barrage.

Armored Vehicle Stations: Allow you to barrage away defenses from a country and player. Need AS to use.

Jets: These can destroy troops and barracks.

Spies: Spy on other players to gain intel on army and location. Can also spy on countries.

Mercenaries: Destroy buildings.

Supplies: Needed to feed the army.

Oil: Needed to fuel jets and tanks.

2 	Starting to play!
2.1 	Building your research

Here are the basics: You need to decide your combat type. This determines what you will research for the rest of the game. The main things players tend to specialize in are troops, barrage, and jets. Navy is also an option when it is active. Have a look at the research tree ( ) and the research graphs ( You should also ask your teammates (via the team chat page) what is needed.

Next you need to build research labs. Don't go crazy with them, there is a limit to how many are useful. Most players stick with 100-200 research labs. If you are starting early in the game, make sure you have a balance between the number of research labs and infantry training centers you build. You shouldn't go all out on one or the other. The usual (and safest) place to build your research labs and initial infantry training centers is your capital.

2.2 	Protecting your capital

It it is near the beginning of the game (before cycle 500), your team may need you to donate turns to bunkers or anti-aircraft guns in order to protect your capital. Bunkers add to defense against opposing armies' troop attacks, and anti-aircraft guns add defense against air-raids. If navy is active, you may need to donate turns to watermines because they protect your capital from naval attacks. Your team may also ask you to add defenses to other countries and if you are unsure, just ask!

2.2.1 	Why are capitals so important?

Each of the four teams (Red, Blue, Green, and Yellow) control one capital at the beginning of the game (China, Germany, the US, and Nigeria respectively). These counties hold the majority of the team's research labs, infantry training centers, armored vehicle stations, airbases, and other buildings. If your capital is taken over by another team, you and your teammates will lose access to all of the buildings built there. Each capital also has a unique bonus, making them an even more valuable asset to your team. Therefore, if your capital is under attack, you must defend it!

Capitals are also required to win the game. If you lose your capital, your team will be reset and you will be placed on a remaining opposing team or the game will start over. See section ( ) for details on how to win the game.

2.3 	Busting countries

Each additional country your team controls gives your team additional troops, money, supplies, and oil. Some countries also give additional bonuses. In order to bust a country, your army must be five times as strong as the military of the country you are attacking. Throughout the game, some players will continually bust new countries while others will save their troops for attacking other teams. What you do will be determined by your combat type and what your team needs. So be sure to ask!

2.4 	Building troops

Regardless of your combat type, it is important for you to have an army of troops. You gain troops through building infantry training centers. You gain ten troops for every infantry training center you build. You can also gain one troop for every infantry training center your teammates build, plus you gain troops from each country your team controls' state militia. If you build a barrack in a country, and that country gets taken over by the opposing team, that barrack becomes a state barrack for the other team until your team can regain control of the country. The players with the most troops are listed on the scores page. However, having the most troops does not mean you are winning the game. You protect your troops and the troops of your teammates by researching artillery soldiers. Artillery soldiers destroy jets and tanks, but not troops. Each infantry training center you build produces 4 artillery soldier per cycle.

3 	The menu tabs
3.1 	Home

Here you can see your current army status. Your location, amount of spies, supplies, landmines, mercenaries, and oil, and number of tanks, jets, troops, and artillery soldiers are displayed here. Beside your numbers for tanks, troops, and artillery soldiers there is a set of brackets indicating the number of new recruits you have gained since last refreshing the home page. You may also be alerted that you are up for promotion (or are in danger of being demoted). Promotions and demotions are according to rank score and will be discussed in the next section.

You can also find the current barrages and revolts that have occurred since you last refreshed your homepage. Barrages are indicated by “unknown explosions have been reported in x country.” There is also a section where you can see your losses from navy, mercenaries, and air raids, and your army's victories and defeats.

3.2 	Scores
3.2.1 	Rank Scores 

This is where you will find where you rank in comparison to other players. You gain rank by winning games, building defenses, busting countries, attacking, and more! As you gain rank you also gain influence and power in the game. Most players' personal goals involve becoming a general. Generals have access to special game features and pages and are the leaders of their teams. Legends are not listed on the rank scoreboard because they have been permanently given access to general perks. Legends have their own rank name and logo and have earned their titles by being great assets to the game and WWC community.

3.2.2 	Previous Games

This tab leads you to the game archives where you can view the last 20 victories, the team archive, the best stats for each team (current or past), the longest games, and the best players.

3.2.3 	Current Team Power Distribution

This is a chart indicating the power, troop, and country percentages as well as the percent bonuses in attack, defense, troop, research, oil, supplies, and money. Yes, they are fair and balanced for each team when the game is reset.... Your team percentages depends on the players on your team. A more active team will get better countries and have more players building troops, etc and will therefore do better in percentages and in the game.

3.2.4 	The Scores Chart

Here you can see where you place in terms of troops. The player with the most troops in the game holds the number one spot etc. Every player in the game is listed on the chart along with their rank, the team they are currently on, and the team they originated from. You also have the option to private message a player and view his or her profile from this page.

3.3 	Atlas

On this page you will find an interactive current world map, color-coded depending on what team controls which countries. At the bottom of the page is an interactive list of countries categorized by who is in control of them. Green team countries are listed under the American Empire, Red under the Federative Republic, Blue under the New Alliance Army, and Yellow team countries are under the South Rebel Army. If a team has been eliminated there will be no countries listed for it and the name of the team will be crossed out. Free countries are also listed and are displayed as white on the map.

If a country is fully controlled by a team, it will be a solid color. If it is in the process of being assimilated, it will be a darker shade of the team's color.

Clicking on a country on the map or from the list will bring up a page with the details of that country. You can learn who is in control of the country, the bonuses for the country, the militia strength, number of anti-aircraft guns and bunkers (default is 50 each), number of watermines and landmines, and the oil production, GDP, and supply production per turn for the country. You can also see what percentage of the country has been assimilated and the bordering countries.

3.4 	Attack
3.4.1 	Move Army

This tab is also found above the mini map. On this page you will find a drop-down menu which will allow you to move to a country your team is in control of. Normally you can only move to a bordering country, but with paratroopers you can move to any country your team owns on the map. Moving costs money depending on the size of your army. It also takes five seconds for your army to regroup after moving.

3.4.2 	Army Attack

This tab is also found above the mini map. Here you will find the option to attack another country or player. Be aware of the number of bunkers and the military strength of the country or player(s) occupying the country. If you kick another player out of a country, you will have to attack the country again to gain control of it (if you have at least five times the army strength of the country's militia). If you defeat another player in an attack you will receive a certain number of items from that player. You will also lose items if you lose an attack. You can receive supplies, money, oil, and landmines from winning an attack (or lose them if you lost an attack). Even if you do not have money outside of your savings in the bank, you can still lose money if you are defeated in an attack. Attacking costs money depending on the size of your army. It takes ten seconds for your army to regroup after attacking.

3.4.3 	Army Barrage

You must have at least one artillery soldier and one tank to barrage. Barraging eliminates the anti-aircraft guns, bunkers, and possibly the artillery soldiers of another player if they are located in the country you are barraging. Barrage makes it easier for jetters and troopers to attack other players. If a player loses all of their artillery soldiers due to barrage, they are called “air-safe.” Barraging costs money depending on the number of tanks you have. It takes ten seconds for your army to regroup after barraging.

3.4.4 	Army Mines

You have two options on this page. You can either place landmines or watermines. Landmines are produced by supply depots if you have built them and have the landmine technology researched. You can also buy landmines from the market. It costs one turn to place 45,000 mines and you can only place them in your current country. Landmines add to an attacking player's troop, artillery soldier, and armored vehicle station loss when a country is attacked where the mines are present.

One turn also allows you to place twenty watermines in any country your team has control of. Watermines protect against naval forces and therefore are only necessary when navy is active.

3.5 	Build

On this page you build buildings. Every player can build infantry training centers, anti-aircraft guns, bunkers, and research labs at the beginning of each game. Additional buildings are gained through researching various technology. On the chart you can see which technology leads to which building, the cost of each building, and a link that will show you the existing amounts of buildings you have built in each country.

3.6 	Research

This is where you can set up your research queue. You can get help with what to research by going to the research tree or research graphs, which linked in this guide as well as on the research page. You can also ask your teammates for help. You set up your research by using the drop-down menu under the project queue. Make sure you check this page often so that you are always researching something!

3.7 	Forum

Gain access to the forums here. You need to create a separate account to use the forums. Recent forum topics are found on the player page when you first login to the WWC website.

3.8 	Market

There are multiple options on the market page.

3.8.1 	Buy

The buy tab shows you what items are for sale on the market (usually none because most people prefer to trade) and which items have been currently offered to you in trade. When accepting trade offers always check to make sure that the other person is your teammate unless you have a previous arrangement with an opponent. Some people are sneaky.

3.8.2 	Sell 

The sell tab allows you to sell your items on the market (again, most people don't do this and prefer to trade... there is a tax on items you put for sale...).

3.8.3 	Trade 

The trade tab allows you trade goods with another player. You can trade oil, supplies, spies, landmines, and money. However, you cannot give money, you can only receive it. To make things easier, there is a personalized item list provided for you.

3.8.4 	PX 

The PX tab allows you to buy supplies, oil, and landmines for a set price. If you have Civilian Jet Maintenance researched you can also buy jets for the cost of 8 turns and $10,000. When Civilian Think Tanks are active, if you have CTT researched you can buy most remaining technology in the game.

3.8.5 	Status 

The status tab shows you the items you currently have for sale on the market.

3.8.6 	World Bank 

The world bank tab will be discussed in the next section.

3.9 	Bank

This page is also connected with the market menu. Here you deposit and withdraw money as well as see information on your interest. Interest rates start at 1% but can be increased up to 3.25% by researching banking credentials and advanced banking credentials I and II. Notice that the maximum amount of money you can holding in your savings account is 1.5 billion dollars and the maximum amount of money you can have outside the bank is 2 billion dollars. If you deposit money into your savings that causes your savings account to hold over 1.5 billion dollars, the excess money will disappear, so be careful!

3.10 	Generals

You can only access this page if you are a general (or a legend). The general's page allows you to see who is online and when their last activity was, regardless of the team they are on. You can also see the statistics of each player on your team and their research queues and previously researched technologies.

3.11 	Premium

This page is only available to premium members. If you are a premium member you can view your personal records and statistics on this page. Premium members are automatically entered into each new round. You start with 160 turns and can a lot them into either infantry training centers or research labs. You can also set a research queue for your next game (which carries over onto sequential games unless you change it). You can also set up email or phone alerts (although phone alerts only work with USA carriers at this time).

3.12 	News

WWC announcements are posted here by admins.

3.13 	Game Chat

You can post messages to all players here. The only rule for the chat boards is no personal threats are to be made against another player. Personal threats may result in a ban. Abuse of the Game Chat may result in a ban or cost you turns and WWC cash to post.

3.14 	Team Chat

Messages written here can only be read by your teammates. Use this board to plan your strategy of attack and ask your teammates questions. At the bottom of this page you can see your teammates combat type and who has placed what number of anti-aircraft guns and bunkers in which country. At the top to the team chat page is a link to the private message page where you can send private messages to other players.

3.15 	Airforce

If you have the airforce technology researched and have built air bases, you can use the airforce page. All of the countries currently controlled by another team are listed on this page. Clicking on the name of a country will allow you to air-raid it, killing troops and armored vehicle stations, depending on what you have researched. Jetting does require oil, and money so be aware of your supplies. It takes fifteen seconds for your army to regroup after launching an air-raid.

3.16 	Nukes

Nuclear weapons can only be launched after cycle 2000. You must also have researched the technologies and built the appropriate buildings that allow for nukes. Nukes cost $500,000 and 100 turns to launch. They cannot be launched in a capital and countries that are hit turn black and cannot be occupied for 100 cycles due to fallout. However, once a country has been nuked once it cannot be nuked again. The countries bordering the nuked country are also affected by the nuclear fallout. Nukes basically destroy everything that is occupying a country.

In order to nuke you must scroll to the bottom of the page and choose the country where your missile silos are located. Then scroll to the bottom of the page again and choose a country to destroy from the list. Make sure you are choosing from the bottom list and not the top.

3.17 	Navy

If you have naval technologies researched and built the appropriate naval buildings you can use the navy page. At this time, however, navy has been deactivated. I'll update this section when it is made available again.

3.18 	Spies

If you have researched the proper spy technologies and have built spy training facilities (or received spies from another player via trade), you can use the spy page. The army intelligence chart lists the intel that has been gained by all spy missions conducted by your team members on other players. You choose to spy on another player, spy on a country, or sabotage a building. If the player or country has more spies than you, you can lose all your spies so be careful.

3.19 	Mercs

If you have the right technologies researched and have built mercenary training facilities, you can use the merc page. Using mercs requires 5 turns and you can use them to destroy select resources in a country. Most people use mercs to destroy airbases.

3.20 	My Account

Use this page to change your password.

3.21 	Logout

You'll never use this button, I don't even know why it is on here....

4 	About this guide

If there are any mistakes, please contact If you are new and need to know something not covered then feel free to ask your teammates or any general or legendary player, they will all be more than happy to assist you. This isn't the simplest game to get the hang of, but once you do it is easy! Good luck!