
From World War Combat Guide

World War Combat Guide

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Troops are an integral component in World War Combat. Everybody has them and needs them for various purposes. Infantry Training Centers will be your main source for generating troops.

For each Infantry Training Center you build, every cycle you gain 10 troops and every other member on your team gains 1 troop, conditional that they are built in a country that your team controls. There are also "state" Infantry Training Centers , each country has a certain number of these, the more powerful a country's militia is, the more state infantry training centers are in the country, so countries like the USA and Russia have a lot of state Infantry Training Centers. Each player on a team gains 1 troop for every state Infantry Training Center their team controls. If you build an infantry training center in a country, and that country gets taken over by the opposing team, that infantry training center becomes a state infantry training center for the other team until your team can regain control of the country.

Infantry Training Centers are commonly referred to in game as ITC's.

To supplement normal troops, there are also Artillery Soldiers. This troop type has to be researched in order to create them. After Artillery soldiers are researched each infantry training center will produce 4 artillery soldiers per cycle. An artillery soldier can destroy tanks and air crafts, but not troops.

While everybody will want at least a few ITC's, Artillery Soldiers are generally only utilized by Troopers and Barragers.

Artillery Soldiers are commonly referred to in game as as's.

While these are the only two types of troops currently in the game, there are many advancements you can do to increase the power and effectiveness of your troops. For example, Green Berets increase your troops attacking strength to 125%, Navy Seals will increase this further and allow for minimal troop losses when busting other countries. Extended Recruitment Offices will increase your production from ITC's by 25%. To see all the possible research click the link that says research. Research

How can I see how many troops I have? Troops Page 1.png

Troops Page 2.png