
From World War Combat Guide

World War Combat Guide

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Your Home page is where you will be directed to when you first log in. Here you can observe many important things. The pictures below will outline what each thing means. You can also access the home page by clicking the link indicated in the picture below.


Once you click this link you will see the following. The images below will tell you what each element means.

Home page 2.png

This page shows you the status of your armies recent attacks, air raids, etc. The Homeland Security alert changes based on the increased risk of attack.

Army Location - Where in the world your army is currently.

Tanks - Contribute to barrage but Artillery Soldiers are needed as well in order to be able to barrage. To learn more about Barrage please click the following link.Barrage

Jets - These can destroy troops and barracks. To learn more about jets click on the following link.jetter

Spies - Spy on other peoples armies to see how many troops, Artillery Soldiers they have etc.

Supplies - Needed to feed the army, if you run out expect big losses when attacking and defending

Troops - These attack other armies and take countries. To learn more about Troopers click the following link. Trooper

Artillery Soldiers - These act just like AA guns and destroy jets when being attacked by them.

*100AA's is the strength of 100,000 Artillery Soldiers. These also are needed to be able to barrage.

Land Mines - When land mines are placed in a country in your control, but is took by another team the team that has took the country off you will have losses when entering the country.

Mercenaries - On certain games these can destroy barracks, research labs, bunkers. AA guns, Air force bases and war factories The more you have of these the better your army will be or be able to cause more damage to other teams!