
From World War Combat Guide

World War Combat Guide

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Cash is a very important component in World War Combat, it can be the reason you win or lose a game. Every action in the game requires cash. To help facilitate cash flow you want to make sure you acquire countries with high GPD's and get countries with money bonuses (these will help alot -- NOTE: Acquiring countries is generally done by jetters.)

For Example:

Money Page 1.png

Saudi Arabia is just one of the many countries that are often fought over for team control.

How can I gain the most money?

You will want to make sure you use your Bank so that you can maximize the money your team generates from your assimilated countries. To learn more about the Bank click the following link. Bank

Research can also add to a good cash flow when researched IE:

Banking Credentials Research Banking Credentials to improve your Bank knowledge and have your APR set to 1.75%.

Advanced Bank Credentials I Research this option to increase your Bank APR to 2.50%.

Advanced Bank Credentials II Increase your Bank APR to 3.25%.

Research can also create new ways to generate money IE:

Oil Trade Commission Learn to sell and trade oil for profits. You will earn money for each oil rig you have.

Supply Trade Commission Learn to sell and trade supplies for profits. You will earn money for each supply depot you have.

By researching these and building some oil rigs or supply depots (or both) will generate an income from each rig/depot built. Combining country bonuses and research on bank credentials as well as the trade commission can generate a huge cash flow.

For more information on research please click the following link. research