Game Rules

From World War Combat Guide

World War Combat Guide

WWC image.png


Do not make Multiple accounts, you will be banned immediately for doing so!

Do not abuse glitches in the system, if you do find a glitch that happens to be in the system and do not tell an administrator (midnight ninja thief,uncle_s) you WILL be banned.

In Team/Global chat you must be respectful of other players. Banter is fine, but abuse is NOT tolerated. Failure to comply to the terms to speak in any chat can result in a ban of chat usage. Further abuse of the chat system can result in the banning of your account!

If you are ever unsure about any rules and would like clairfication, please contact administrators or Moderators for consultation, in game.

The administrators and Moderators are as follows:


Midnight Ninja Thief



***Rules are subject to change at any given time due to administrator discretion. Failure to comply to said rules can result in termination of your account.

With all the rules said, this is a pretty laid back community. Enjoy your time at WorldWarCombat we are a loving community base that will support you and help you have a good time. Welcome to WorldWarCombat :).