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124 articles since April 2012


A Comprehensive Guide and Resource for World War Combat

What is World War Combat?
A turn based game of conquering the world! You will be placed on 1 of 4 teams. The object of the game is to get your team to take over the world. Do this by utilizing Air assaults, Navy, Army, Mercenaries to accomplish your missions. The opportunities are endless. Tell a friend and have them help you take over the world!
Who runs World War Combat?
World War Combat is owned, developed, and managed by World War Combat


For New Players
Welcome! If you are just starting out, please take a look at the left column and browse through all the links, they should answer all your questions. If you have any more questions feel free to browse this guide Beginner's Guide or ask in World War Combat. the people are friendly and always willing to help. Also, make sure you take a look at the Rules.

Helping Out
If you wish to contribute to the Help Wiki, message midnight ninja thief in game . We welcome the help.

World War Combat Guide Help Wiki News

Posted by Midnight Ninja Thief
Date 17.10.2014
[speedgame] [new] new game up and running map issues have been resolved there are still some issues I'm working thru but it is functional and playable so check it out please and let me know if you come across and bugs or exploits speed game is running at 1 min cycles while main game remains at 3 min cycles
Posted by Midnight Ninja Thief
Date 03.10.2014
Alright in 1.5 hrs I will reset the game ......I have fixed everything and the game is playable again sorry for the wait .........thanks for your continued support
Posted by Midnight Ninja Thief
Date 04.08.2014
[fix] fixed a few nuke bugs had to reset to make the game right again afterwards sorry for the early reset guys but it had to be done !
Posted by Midnight Ninja Thief
Date 28.06.2014
more new research up and running advanced artilery soldiers will give you an extra 2 on top of the 4 you get for regular artillery soldier research for a total of 6 artillery soldiers per infantry training center enjoy
Posted by Midnight Ninja Thief
Date 27.06.2014
The research for Cjm II is up and running cjm II will give you cheeper jet repair then cjm I beta test next few rounds let me know if you come across any bugs please .....enjoy
Posted by Midnight Ninja Thief
Date 24.06.2014
new research coming soon !!!!!!!!!
Posted by Midnight Ninja Thief
Date 22.06.2014
Premium account holders - if you are inactive for 15 days your premium status will automatically be revoked by the system. If this happens you will have to pm Uncle_S or midnight ninja theif to have it reinstated
Posted by Midnight Ninja Thief
Date 12.03.2014
[update] civ jet maintenance lowered to 10 turns
Posted by Midnight Ninja Thief
Date 11.03.2014
[update] barraged fixed ! barraging with large differences in tank numbers will yield low results ! the attacker barrage still has a small advantage ! play it and let me know what you think
Posted by Midnight Ninja Thief
Date 26.02.2014
[update] barrage changed a little tank loss seems a bit more even in my option try it out and let me know how you guys feel aware you now must have at least 1000 as and 90 tanks to call for a barrage this can be adjusted as needed
Posted by Midnight Ninja Thief
Date 24.02.2014
[update] ctt added with turns beta test next few rounds
Posted by Midnight Ninja Thief
Date 21.02.2014
[[[[[casino balance]]]]]] the turns and money you get for casino credits has been lowered for better balance !
Posted by Midnight Ninja Thief
Date 13.12.2013
Welcome back everyone!!!! Glad you could make it back to the site I will be fixing primies tonight so if you want one post in global and it will be taken care of ......if anyone has any questions or has bug reports plz send it to or pm me on site
July 21, 2011
We have installed this Wiki to help New and Current players by giving them a detailed insight into the workings and strategies of WorldWarCombat