
From World War Combat Guide

World War Combat Guide

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The scores page shows the current strength rank for the armies as well as the players. At the top, the Power Distribution indicates the percentage in strength of land each army owns.

The score sheet ranks players by current game strength and also indicates their rank and army. To determine the strength of a player, it takes into account troops, artillery soldiers and any research advances to enhance troops strength.You can access the scores page by clicking the link indicated in the picture below.

Scores Page 2.png

Below is an image of the scores page.

Scores Page.png

You may have noticed that there are different ranks next to each persons name, but what is rank and how do you acquire it?

Rank determines who the power players in the game are. To be a high-ranking player, you have to be team driven and active. If you possess these abilities then you should rise in rank fairly quickly, however, for promotion to a top tier rank you must be a truly exemplary team player.

Ranks are assigned to each player based on your activity and actions. The rank that you are assigned is based accumulated by a point system based on your activity. Each turn based action will accumulate rank score. All rank is ongoing and will be rolled over to the new rounds of play. The scores are ongoing and are not reset. So if you are promoted to a rank and the round is over, then you will still have that rank the next game. A title and insignia signify each rank.

Each rank has a limited number of positions. To be promoted to a position you will have to overtake someone currently in that rank.

To move up in rank you must acquire points, the point totals are not visible to the users but you will receive messages letting you know when you have been promoted, demoted, or close to either. Nearly every action that helps your team in the game, grants points toward your rank. Some actions that add to your rank are:

Building AA’s and Bunkers
Defeating troops via attack or Defense
Winning battles
Destroying troops in a raid
Barraging buildings
Destroying jets

Ranks can provide a significant advantage in battles. When a player with a lower rank attacks you, you are provided with a defensive bonus equal to the difference in your rank. This may not be much when a Major attacks a Colonel, but it can be considerable if a Private takes on a General.