
From World War Combat Guide

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World War Combat Guide

WWC image.png


The Bank is where you can deposit your money to earn interest on it. Interest is calculated per turn ( 5 turns = 1 APR year). Default interest rates are 1%. You can increase the amount of interest by research. Banking Credentials will raise your interest to 1.75%. Advanced banking credentials will raise your interest to 2.50. Advanced banking credentials II will raise your interest rate to 3.25%, this is the max rate you can achieve.

There are limitations on the amount of money you can bank. At 1.5 billion your bank will max out. At approximately 2.147 billion out of bank you will no longer be able to hold any more money (any money you try to compile on top of that will disappear, so be careful!)

Money can be very useful while playing worldwarcombat. It is needed for a variety of things including moving, attacking, barraging, air raiding, and buying supplies and oil.

For more information about money please click the following link. Money

Bank Tutorial Bank Page 1.png

Market Page 7.png

You can also access the bank by the market link Market Page 1.png