
From World War Combat Guide

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World War Combat Guide

WWC image.png


The Atlas link can be found on every page of the game or by simply clicking on the Mini Map located at the top right corner of any page. You can see how it is displayed below.

Atlas 1.png

The enlarged interactive map

Atlas 2.png

On the Map you can see which team (Green, Yellow, Blue, or Red) is control of which country. If a country is grey, it has not been assimilated by any team.

Hovering your cursor over any country will tell you the name of the country you are currently looking at, clicking on a country will give you the relevant information and bonuses you can obtain upon assimilation of that country. It will also show the bordering country's that can be attacked from that location.


Atlas 3.png


In order to bust (take) a country you will need 5 times the amount of troops of the state militia. For example, if you wanted to bust Japan, which has a militia strength of 29,392 troops, you would need 146,690 troops to bust it.

To assimilate a country it will take 20 cycles (1 hour). Countries will revolt before fully assimilated. If there is no player in a country when it revolts then the country will return to the color it was before it was busted.